झारखंड की खबरों व ‘Ground Reports’ को ‘डिजिटल झारखंडवासियों’ तक पहुँचाने का एक प्रयास है।

Not Activism On The Name Of Journalism ! We Do Sensible & Ethical One…An Initiative by Young Experienced Journalist.

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We provide critical coverage, challenging various perspectives, contextualizing issues and events, and always addressing:
– Who is involved?
– What occurred?
– When did it happen?
– Where did it take place?
– Why did it happen?

Accuracy and Clarity
1. Ensure that factual material in news reports and elsewhere is accurate and not misleading.
2. Provide a correction or other appropriate remedial action if published material is significantly inaccurate or misleading.

Fairness and Balance
1. Present factual material with reasonable fairness and balance, ensuring that expressions of opinion are not based on significantly inaccurate factual material.
2. Provide a fair opportunity for the publication of a response when material refers adversely to a person, if reasonably
necessary to address a possible breach of the General Principle.

Privacy and Avoidance of Harm
1. Avoid intruding on a person’s reasonable expectations of privacy, unless doing so is sufficiently in the public interest.
2. Avoid causing or contributing materially to substantial offense, distress, or prejudice, or a substantial risk to health or safety, unless doing so is sufficiently in the public interest.
3. Consider cultural factors when reporting on local issues.

Integrity and Transparency
1. Avoid publishing material obtained through deceptive or unfair means, unless doing so is sufficiently in the public
2. Avoid conflicts of interest or disclose them adequately, ensuring they do not influence published material.

We Seek Truth and Report It
Ethical journalism prioritizes accuracy and fairness, with journalists being honest and courageous in gathering, reporting, and interpreting information. Jharkhand Reporter takes responsibility for verifying information before publishing or broadcasting it.
Minimize Harm
Ethical journalism treats all individuals involved—sources, subjects, colleagues, and the public—with respect.

Act Independently
Ethical journalism’s primary obligation is to serve the public. Journalists should avoid conflicts of interest, refuse gifts or favors that may compromise integrity, and resist pressure to influence coverage. They should distinguish news from
advertising and be transparent about sources and funding.

Be Accountable and Transparent